My first attempt at barefoot running consisted of running across a soccer field and getting my foot stung by a bee.
My 2nd attempt started better. I ran a mile or so, on a paved path. I was feeling pretty smug and anti-establishment as I passed an attractive pair of female runners; at which point I stubbed my right big toe and bled all over the nice paved path.
Eventually I successfully ran multiple, consecutive runs without bee stings or male pattern shame events, and began to enjoy myself. Then it got cold outside, and I got bored of flat, paved trails, so I mostly shelved barefoot running. Then Jasmine bought me a pair of Vibram 5-finger “shoes”, which, in theory, enable some of the same benefits of barefoot running while offering some protection from running surfaces that are cold or fully of sharp pointy things like rocks. So again, I added a mile or two here and there during the week of “minimalist shoe” running.
Then my friend Larkin, of local Corvallis company Soft Star Shoes (, asked if I’d be interested in testing a pair of minimalist running shoes that they were planning on introducing. She invited me in to their shoe shop, showed me
I have to admit I was skeptical at first. I figured the shoes would fall right off, or would slide around so bad inside that It’d blister, etc. But I was wrong. They’re a hoot to run in. I’ve gradually moved to using them on a treadmill, to flat trail, to hilly trail, to the hilliest, muddiest, steepest trails in town; and I have to say it’s an absolute blast to run in these. It took some getting used to, learning to trust that the shoe, weighing next to nothing and fitting loosely, would be under my foot with each step (so far, so good); but the more I run in it, the more fun I’m having. I can feel the terrain with my feet, which sounds dumb and simple, but until I experienced it, I wouldn’t have expected how cool this is. The thin soles are just enough to spread out the force from sharp rocks, roots, etc. But they’re thin enough that, going up steep, muddy trail, for example, my toes can curl up to “grip” the surface, which is also pretty cool and, at first, completely weird.
On the larger running front, things are mostly going well. I can't say my calf is 100%, but it's been mostly OK lately. I've done quite a few runs in the 15-25 mile range in the last couple months, and have been pretty happy. Occasionally it seems to have a setback, but overall there seems to be more progress than not, and I still feel like I'm on pace to run the Mac 50k in May (I ran most of the course last month) and the 100 miler this September. Slowly. More than anything, I'm just really happy to be able to do the long runs on the weekend, and look forward to them all week. If I'm not feeling 100%, I'm still able comfortably do 3+ hours at a casual pace. When I've felt good, I've done 5 hours at a pretty reasonable pace. Keeps me happy. :-)
And do please check out Soft Star shoes. They're a great little local company, and your feet (or your kids feet) will benefit from some foot muscle use!
Awesome! I hope they come out soon. They look like the perfect running show. Do you think they'd also be good for dynamic sports like parkour, volleyball or basketball?
Matt -
Those shoes look good. Just what I'm looking for. Did your foot slide around in them though? Did you have any blister problems?
- Tim
As long as I don't wear socks in them, my feet don't slide around. They did slide around with socks on, so I don't run that way in them. No blister problems so far, up to runs of 5-6 miles on pretty aggressive trails.
Good review, Matt.
These look like they might be worth a try. I'd rather buy shoes from OR than Five-Fingers from China - or wherever.
I really enjoyed your writing style and detailed review. I'm looking forward to trying out some Soft Stars.
These look great! And I like the fact that they're also made entirely in the USA!
It's been a few months since you posted your review. Are you still running in them? If so, how are they holding up?
- Jay
I am shopping for something that will keep my feet dryer in the cold, wet Idaho winters. (I have run barefoot and in 5-Fingers for about a year now.) Did your runamocs have the street sole or the Vibram sole? Can you tell me the coldest temps you've run in? You mentioned only slipping in socks, but midwinter here, socks may be my only option for warding off frost bite!
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May Be
barefoot on pavement.. ok, but on trails? coool!
i'm just starting this bareoot journey..
i'll check out the site you recommended
Hi there and thanks for this detailed review. I wish I could try out a pair of these for my daily walking and for running errands, but I am afraid that my feet will get blisters if there is absolutely no cushioning in them. I will some day experiment with a pair of minimalist shoes though. These actually look great, and look quite durable! Good luck and stay safe!
Great shoes! I like running barefoot. It is only the most natural thing for humans to do. I do have several pairs of minimalist shoes for colder or harsher conditions, but whenever it is possible I choose to run like our ancestors did when they were hunters and gatherers. Great post, thanks!
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